duminică, 23 martie 2008

And I will mend for you my dear..

..those hopes that have been torn.

While I took my beloved Nikon to another tour across town, the same lowlife who mugged a friend of mine some days ago tried to get even more cellphones, but jumped the wrong tenants of our place. With a bloody nose instead of some loot, what does he do? Takes out his (yeah..) cellphone and calls the police.
While I am typing these lines, our building is subjected to the most pathetic police raid ever. Mugger's girlfriend and a bunch of police men are "searching" the place for the guy who decided not to get mugged. Doors are being knocked on and not opened, but apparently nobody knows anything.

I'm very sure that this story will be continued..

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

hey sweets.
fightpanda is back?
I've been on so many random night walks this week, hikerobot would be proud.

I want a car with eyes:)