my velocity.
Goodbye Romania. It will remain a love-hate relationship.
sâmbătă, 12 iulie 2008
duminică, 29 iunie 2008
Eye Candy
I shall be leaving soon.
Am I happy? I wouldn't know.
It's a love-hate thing. Found love here, and hated much more than good for me. Read a lot, but a lot is never enough. Worked a lot, but not enough. Which is probably what bugs me the most about this country: Nothing is ever 100%.
marți, 3 iunie 2008
You've got to know
that there's fun to be had
Since yours truly is not among the working population anymore, one of the best ways to spend all this quality time is watching other people work. Like on this hot and sweaty day at the glas workshop. Oh, the joy.
vineri, 23 mai 2008
Plenty of social activities for yours truly in the last days. High time for a night off, best to be enjoyed on an elevated place.
sâmbătă, 10 mai 2008
Biodiversity, industrial. In the ruins of the Kombinats of old, tiny little companies grow like mushrooms. The artists are happy, for they can -after a treasure hunt in the maze of the ruins- buy acid and other things.
Unfortunately, taking photos was strictly forbidden.
vineri, 9 mai 2008
I could offer honesty
if every day offered something real
The joys of living / working in a corrupt system are manifold and not devastating / frustrating at all. Repeat this until it sounds true.
joi, 8 mai 2008
I will never love you
more than spreading my wings
Is yours truly fighting a serious depression, or is it just the sunny sky? Definitely blue. After the easter ghost town days, the daily survival of the fastes.. fittest is almost enjoyable.
luni, 28 aprilie 2008
Back where
we started.
Paste fericit is romanian and roughly translates into "we're closing down half of the town for no apparent reason, so please go visit your relatives in the country side".
Left behind are the old and the forgotten ones, and yours truly.
sâmbătă, 26 aprilie 2008
And everybody's dancing
the dance of the dead..
spent the last weeks away from the internet and locked up in a dark cave. Now it's 1am and my neighbours obviously own a bongo drum. Life is good.
duminică, 13 aprilie 2008
What we're dealing with here
is a total lack of respect for ...while rocking out to said song on the balcony of my humble abode, I entered zen mode and contemplated the cctv security cam
and the gypsie kids playing with a piece of styrofoam it is taping.
In the event of amnesia, the city will recall.
miercuri, 9 aprilie 2008
Blowing through
the jasmine in my mind.Every morning I take a walk across town. Looking left and right before crossing the street is important and lengthens your life considerably, but at this intersection, for one reason or another, I really enjoy looking down the street to my right.
One day I might even make a turn here.For some reason, my second favourite sight after the street to my right is the wall to the right of my bed. Then again, the wall to the left looks roughly (pun intended) the same.
duminică, 30 martie 2008
joi, 27 martie 2008
Online, again
While Buc is preparing for "The Summit" by hiring truckloads of Gypsies to paint fences and walls, while bored policemen guard almost every intersection around the crucial boulevards and while half of the town is getting shut down, yours truly roams the backroads and enjoys the sun.
You should, too.
duminică, 23 martie 2008
And I will mend for you my dear..
..those hopes that have been torn.
While I took my beloved Nikon to another tour across town, the same lowlife who mugged a friend of mine some days ago tried to get even more cellphones, but jumped the wrong tenants of our place. With a bloody nose instead of some loot, what does he do? Takes out his (yeah..) cellphone and calls the police.
While I am typing these lines, our building is subjected to the most pathetic police raid ever. Mugger's girlfriend and a bunch of police men are "searching" the place for the guy who decided not to get mugged. Doors are being knocked on and not opened, but apparently nobody knows anything.
I'm very sure that this story will be continued..
sâmbătă, 22 martie 2008
Wearing post apocalyptic..
..underground gear, 'cause we haven't seen natural sunlight in twelve years.
Got up at sunrise, had a cold shower and disappeared into the belly of Bucureşti.
Emerged after sunset, head spinning, and found myself on my beloved rooftops, looking towards the Palatul Parlamentului, its lights beaming skywards.
joi, 20 martie 2008
And something small..
..fell out of your mouth.
A friend of mine got mugged two streets away from our place, so the Nikon will not join me on all my trips to the outback. Instead, blurred images courtesy of my cellphone.
The Maxx in my head, hero for the leopard queen in Pangea.
luni, 17 martie 2008
The moment we believe..
..that we have never met.
Yes, yes. If analyzed thoroughly, I seem to "feel" my way into the city, the first shy photos from windows and balconies, new, rough city, scanning the terrain before going in, blabla.
But maybe I also simply love rooftops.
Behold, this is the stairway down to the street, and I will walk it down tomorrow and step out through the broken door. And maybe I'll even take my camera with me.
vineri, 14 martie 2008
Looking out of..
..yet another window. I will operate at street level one day, I promise. Until then, let's all enjoy the view out of my new room.
marți, 11 martie 2008
After I fell out of the window
and before I hit the ground.
After class, yours truly stayed on the old wooden benches of the classroom and looked out of the window.
luni, 10 martie 2008
Arată toate articolele
A long time since I wrote the last "so this is it" first words to a blog.
Yours truly, the romanian robot, is stuck in lovely Bucuresti. The following entries will document my struggle to make sense of this mess, and tell, in both words and pictures, my journey into l'empire familier des ténèbres futures.